Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Anti-Aging Benefits of Acai Powder

The acai berry is fruit native to the Amazon rainforest that is becoming increasingly popular as scientists discover the components that make it an anti-aging superfood. The benefits of the acai berry are available in a powder that can improve skin tone, hair health, cardiovascular health, and so much more. Anyone who wishes to defy nature by retaining their youthful look and improve their internal organs can benefit from acai powder.

Having youthful skin and energy is a great advantage of acai powder, but all that youth will be wasted if you are not getting results from the inside out. This is where acai earns its popularity. Acai contains an ingredient called anthocyanin which is vital in cardiovascular health. This is the same compound present in red wine that provides the heart benefits, but acai contains a much higher concentration and eliminates the “disadvantage” of alcohol. The acai berry does not stop there. It also contains omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids that improve blood circulation and reduce high cholesterol.

Protein and dietary fiber are essential to good health and maintaining a youthful lifestyle. Protein is necessary to build damaged cells in the body. A diet that is lacking in protein will eventually cause the person to deteriorate both internally and externally. The protein in acai will help keep skin looking youthful and organs, tissues, and muscles well taken care of. Dietary fiber is also vital to good health. Many people who wish to lose weight depend on it to keep pesky hunger cravings away, making acai a smart choice, but the dietary fiber in acai is important to even the most trained athlete. Dietary fiber keeps the digestive tract free of toxins that can inhibit proper functioning.

One of the most beneficial aspects of acai powder is the high level of antioxidants it contains. The acai berry contains almost ten times the amount of antioxidants than grapes, and twice as many than blueberries, the previous “superfood.” While antioxidants are widely known as the means to escape the common cold, they also prevent more dire illnesses such as cancer. The primary cause of cancer is the change in the configuration of cells and the growth of abnormal cells. More and more doctors are recommending acai because of its antioxidant strength that reduces cell damage and the risk of cancer.

Incorporating acai powder into your daily diet will drastically improve your over all health. From heart disease to glowing skin, the acai powder is nature’s medical miracle. Researchers have also discovered that there is another 50-70 additional compounds in the fruit that are still unknown. However, the benefits are so widespread they are performing experiments to unlock what could possibly be the key to curing the incurable diseases. While it is true that nothing can completely cure heart disease, cancer, or other deteriorating diseases, acai performs wonders in preventing them. Unlike other pills or lab produced treatments, acai has no negative side effects and has a wonderful taste. It is often described as having a red wine flavor with a hint of chocolate. Be creative while you improve your health. Put acai powder into smoothies, desserts, or teas to enjoy a treat on your way to healthier body and long life.